You truly & beautifully captured a nostalgic piece of childhood, one eventually soiled and killed by the neo-puritans of California
You truly & beautifully captured a nostalgic piece of childhood, one eventually soiled and killed by the neo-puritans of California
He will not divide us...
Did an amazing job capturing an amazing movie!
So just normal Hilary, then?
When There’s a rape downtown and you need to runaway because muh pacifism.
MFW when Disney buys up bikini bottom.
I guess even Satan is capable of creating beauty...
Reminds me of a quote I saw on letterboxd. “You either die Robin Williams or love long enough to see yourself become bill Cosby”
They Should’ve expected this when they expunged Mogwai from all quarters of German society. It especially came to bite them on the ass when the war began as shown by the late historian Roald dhal
It’s always the innocents who die young...
Feed your sneeds
Condoland, Canada
Joined on 5/5/21