Very fitting letter
Very fitting letter
My first waifu…
When Jeffery roles out the chalkboard and naked midgets
Yeah that's it....yeah keep solving whore...
So when it comes to pass--and surely it will come--then they will know that a prophet has been among them.
It is a mercy I never moved out to Cali and got involved with Hollywood in any shape of form. There are quite a few celebrities that saw the darkness of the entertainment industry and the mainstream media apparatus from the inside. "Eyes Wide Shut" was probably just the abridged version glossing over the more disturbing details...
Every brain rotted by skibidi toilet is a soul saved from Disney
That's a heavy mind-bomb to drop a day after Christmas,yo! And here I was just trying to escape reality. lol.
Yup, he deserved it.
Edykel when he sees an unsucked black cock
Your monarchy was a lot cooler
You mean the Kaiserreich? It was kinda stupid in a pompuos way and Willy II was an incompetend fool that flushed it all away. I much prefer our boring technocratic Federal Republic.
A bone-chilling, spine-tingling & genre-redefining, character driven slow-burn gem
Feed your sneeds
Condoland, Canada
Joined on 5/5/21